–Heritage Credit Group has revolutionized the credit repair industry by punishing collection agencies instead of creditors. Most credit repair companies focus on deleting and removing negative items from a person’s credit report. Heritage Group instead puts emphasis on the illegal actions credit bureau and collection agency protocol, making the Heritage Credit Group one of the most respected, reputable, and successful San Luis Obispo credit repair companies among consumers today.
Credit bureau and collection agencies have been found to repeatedly violate state and federal guidelines in their reporting and collection methods. The Heritage team is trained to identify these infractions and take the most effective action necessary to bring the violators to justice.
Heritage Credit Group partners with a law firm to instigate lawsuits against such federal violators when necessary. Recently, a Heritage Credit Group client won more than $5,000 in a lawsuit against a collections agency whose collections letter was found to be in violation of the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act. The debt collection agency was found guilty by the court for using language that was “(i) harassing and oppressive; and, (ii) misleading.”
This method of credit repair places credit bureaus and collection agencies under close scrutiny. It empowers Heritage clients to fight for their rights against greedy credit bureaus, creditors and/or collection agencies. One Heritage Credit Group official said, ”In addition to clearing their poor credit and earning helpful restitution funds, Heritage clients enjoy the satisfaction of getting even with the aforementioned entities for their sometimes ruthless, aggressive and illegal harassment.”
While a lawsuit may seem like an extreme or expensive way to repair credit, the legal representation is free to Heritage clients and winning a case will typically result in much more than the removal of the damaging credit report items. The restitution won from the case will often give clients a way to pay off their other debts, further repairing their credit.
Over the past 12 months, several credit bureaus and collections agencies have been fined for violating federal laws and using unfair practices. Thousands of dollars have been reimbursed to consumers who have worked with Heritage group and their legal partners as a result of the legal cases they have won. This fact shows that many collections agencies are taking advantage of creditors. The Heritage Credit Group’s revolutionary approach to credit repair focuses on protecting the rights of consumers against powerful corporate conglomerates.