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For assisted DIY click here
How can we help you?
During the many years the Heritage Group has been in business, we have assisted thousands of consumers improve their credit profile and improve their bottom line. This has helped our clients qualify for home, auto, personal and business loans, as well as employment clearance for credit-based work opportunities and rental properties.

Our Experience
The Heritage Credit Group has experienced tremendous success do to unparalleled and unique business model.
Over the years, we have honed and created a credit repair business model which involves the use of Consumer Rights Law Firms and correspondence with Credit Bureaus, Creditors, and Collection Agencies. Despite these highly professional protocols, our fees are comparable to conventional credit repair organizations that do not use (or know how to use) law firms for Credit Repair.

Our Relationships
Heritage Credit Group has earned the respect, admiration and a close business relationship with major banks and lenders.
These relationships were built as a result of our amazing credit repair successes and satisfaction. Banks, lenders and other finance professionals routinely send their clients to us knowing they will be handled with care and respect and most importantly, their client will return with an improved credit score.

Licensed and bonded
Another reason why Heritage Credit Group is your best choice is we are Licensed and Bonded. You can trust us with your credit.
In fact, this is the first thing you should ask to see if you are thinking about hiring a credit repair organization. If they are not Licensed and Bonded, DO NOT give them your money!

Certified Mail Protocol
The use of Certified Mail is also part of our protocol. Certified Mail provides tracking numbers with proof of mailing and receipt.
Why don’t other credit repair organizations use certified mail? The cost! But it is the only effective way to correspond with entities that are holding your credit for ransom.

Cash For Consumers
Our many satisfied clients have received hundreds of thousands of dollars! We know if your rights have been violated.
When our clients have had their rights violatated according to federal law during the Credit Repair process, we know what to do to make sure they are compensated. Their positive experiences show our passion for helping consumers and is proof-positive Heritage Credit Group is your best choice for Credit Restoration!

We encourage you to contact us right now so we can show you how quick and pain-free quality credit restoration can be!